The Rush of it All

Trailrunning and other adventures in distance and wonderment

(nature, human nature, humans in nature...)

Nature, human nature, humans in nature… it almost sounds like I want to write about whatever the heck I want.

Guilty — I’m unapologetically multi-passionate, and so is my Substack.

Mainly I write first-hand observations from my life. I’m a long-distance trailrunner, so I spend a lot of time out in the wild world, and I write about that. But I’m also a dedicated reader, a retired soldier, a scientist (by philosophy and orientation, not by profession), an amateur psychologist, a green libertarian, and a lot more...

Eventually I might write about all of it here.

I believe that the quality of the questions we ask determines the quality of our lives, and I believe that Mary Oliver’s instructions for living a life (“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”) is not only wise advice, but describes an obligation we each have, to ourselves and to each other.

The Rush of it All is where I tell about it.

I generally publish a new post a couple or a few times each month.

I do my own photography, and unless otherwise noted, all of the photos on this site are my own.

rush (noun):
- a rapid, impetuous, or violent onward movement
- a hurried state, as from the pressure of affairs
- a sudden attack; an onslaught
- a sudden, brief exhilaration
- surging emotion

Embrace the rush. Accept onward movement with grace, counter the pressure of affairs with patience, and face the onslaught with strength and competence and courage. Exhilaration and emotion are there for those who keep their sense of wonder at the patterns of miracle that surround us.
Most of all: pay attention.

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Trailrunning and other adventures in distance and wonderment (nature, human nature, humans in nature...)


Jeff Calvert is an ultrarunner and retired Army officer who writes about trailrunning and other adventures in distance and wonderment on The Rush of it All